You don´t know what to wear in a club? You are tired of your tops you worn 100 times already ? Here comes help ;) Some glitter, shiny tops in 2 versions. One version is light and the other one is dark. Perfect for a club night ;) The attention will be yours :)
26. Juli 2008
18. Juli 2008
New outfits
As I promised in the last post, I release today a new outfit with all possible layer options :)
15. Juli 2008
New lingerie sets
In the last days I made new lingerie, because the last ones were a great success :) The 4 sets are very sweet and the best is they come in several layers.
I will also re-design some older outfits in the next weeks, like more colours and more layers :)
Beside that, all the upcoming outfits will have more layer options :)
Ok and now the lingerie ;)
Each set is available for 250L$
Skins: Redgrave
Hair: Armidi, Novocaine
11. Juli 2008
Re-Opening of [KA] DESIGNS NOW!
Hi everybody, after 5 busy days, I finaly re-open the sim today at 9 AM SLT! I worked very hard and I hope you all will enjoy the new buildings and things you will find around. It is really worth to walk around. But the important thing is, that you have activated the SHADER in graphic preferences, to enjoy all of the the interior design :)
6. Juli 2008
Sim is closed....
I will close the sim today for some changes. It will be re-open again on *thursday, july 10th. Stay tuned ! If you have any questions , feel free to ask Kira Ahn in-world!
Thank you :)
* Re-opening of the sim will be on friday, july 11th at noon SLT
5. Juli 2008
New UNISEX Releases
Yes, right. Unisex. For women & men!! Hi everybody :) This time I made some new suits again and the best is, they can be worn by women & men, thats amazing, isn´t it ? ;)
Each of this suit comes with a jacket, a modify pants, a vest and 2 shirt options ( One is formal with tie and the other one is more casual without tie) You have a lot of options to combine this all, especially the women (or the men who like to experiment) : you can wear just the jacket with pants, or just the vest with a jeans, the shirt with pants, etc :)
Try it out ;)
Now available! [KA] UNISEX *Rity*
Colours: black, gray, blue, green red & brown
Price: 400 L$